Thursday, February 24, 2011


There is no shortage of confidence or ego with the four in our house. Talking to other mother's of fours, it seems to be quite the age for knowing everything and being able to do everything--the best of the best no less. In our home, in past few months shifting from constant correction to character development (which I blogged about last month), we've had to introduce and reinforce new vocabulary in our home, with humility being at the top of our list.

I had hoped our lessons were starting to make an impact, and then today once I got the boys happily entertained with coloring and cutting pretend fruit I thought it the perfect time to mop the disgusting floor.

The soundtrack: Queen, which I found both motivating, upbeat, and educational (what? Classic Rock isn't Classical?)

Luke interrupts in the middle of a song:
"Mom, these singers must not have a lot of friends."
"Why do you think that, Luke?"
"They won't stop bragging."

The song: We are the Champions

"They need to learn some humility or no one will want to be their friends."

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Oh, I'm dying of laughter over here!! He is so funny! So, you listen to Queen too?! It's getting scary how much we have in common!
