Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Hairy Dilemma.

I am one of those people who, while being blessed/stressed with thick, curly hair, lose massive quantities of it post-partum.

I don't mean to exaggerate, but really, I lose a lot of hair. In fact, after my second birth we invested in both hair traps and a plumbers snake. I still managed to, on a monthly basis, clog the daylights out of our shower. I tried everything: calcium, B vitamins, fish oil, brushing my hair for twenty minutes before showering...EVERYTHING! I just lost hair for months, and months, and months...for a year.

Losing it all over again isn't something I'm much looking forward to, especially since my "new" hair isn't as long as my "old" hair yet. And so, since women tend to want to do something drastic after delivery anyway, I'm already contemplating the big hair cut.

Cutting one's hair isn't really that big of a deal, but yet, we fret over it so much. At least I do. You see, I like long hair. I think it looks nice, feels nice, and after a weeks worth of ponytails at home, wearing one's hair down and "pretty" for a night out or Sunday Mass is a nice reminder that a busy mother can still be feminine.

And the age-old question goes: do you cut it post-partum for an easier, more convenient style that can be easily managed, or do you suffer through the hair loss and the messy ponytails for that one day (maybe) a week where it looks somewhat decent?

Life would be much easier if French Braids were the epitome of hair fashion...


Elizabeth said...

Ugh! I hate postpartum hair loss. My daughter is 15 months old and I am just now really noticing that it is stopping. As far as French braids go, you never know...when I French braid my hair it is the ONLY time Matt really compliments my hair. Start a new fashion ;)

Mallory said...

After I showered yesterday (um...after 10am...) I was inspired and wore a french braid ;-) . Thanks for the moral support!

Once I have a newborn my logic is that if I have a cute baby and diaper bag that no one will be paying attention to my hair anyway, so maybe french braids will be my new summer look. Maybe...

Abby said...

Awesome! I just rocked 2 french braids last week. At home, mind you.. but I loved the waves once I took them out. (I have oh-so-flat hair.) You have my support.

Maria said...

Do French braids! I think they are very pretty and different... and NOT in an unfashionable way.

I chopped my hair after having Joseph and it was the best feeling ever. It's been 2 months now and no regrets at all. I got an angled bob... it is maintenance free and looks relatively styling all the time. Your hair would be cute if it were short because it's curly... if you go that route. But what does Hubbie think? That is the important question :)
