Thursday, February 24, 2011


Sarah, over at her blog, gave me this cool little award. Thank you! I guess I am a "stylish blogger" after all. Who would have thought?

Here are the rules for this award:
  1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award
  2. Share seven things about yourself
  3. Award some recently discovered great bloggers
  4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award
Seven Things "About Me"
1. I love junk food.  I refuse to buy it at the store and then beg my husband late at night to pick something up for me. My guilty pleasures are Lays Sour Cream and Onion potato chips, McDonald's French Fries, and any dessert or candy with peanut butter and chocolate mixed. 
2. Mark and I have exceptionally blue eyes, as do our children. When visiting Italy I was often given free Gelato simply for being a blue-eyed female.
3. I have given up on wearing shorts in the summer. I don't own a pair because they don't look or feel good on  me. The Europeans have it right--skirts are the way to go when it's hot. 
4. I won a prize at a baby shower last week for having the lightest purse. Shocking, right, because I'm a mother? No, I'm kinda a minimalist. I pack light and try not to have more than I need in most situations, including at home.
5. I'm really fussy about my feet being warm. I'm getting so old! In the winter months I wear wool socks and shoes religiously around the house. I often carry extra socks in my purse if I think my feet will get cold if we're out and about or at someone else's home. 
6.  In high school I was voted "Best Dressed" my senior year. Today, I genuinely have a fear that Stacy and Clinton are going to show up at my door. Yeah, some days it's that bad, although I don't own any cat shirts yet.
7. I am a believer that "boys will be boys."  As sweet and polite as they can be, they are still busy and have so much energy to burn. Sometimes I think the current world has lost sight of this and somehow thinks that a boy sitting still (or capable of watching a full length movie) is best. I much prefer the enthusiasm for life my boys have, and their adventurous spirit. In fact, as exhausting as it is, I absolutely love it. 

*My nominations to come later!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Okay, the fact that you made fancy little curls on your letters just shows how stylish you are! How did you do that?! Can you come dress me? I miss college when the girls were all around to share cloths and do hair and make-up. I have been in "man" land for far too long . . .
