Saturday, January 8, 2011


The last few weeks have been a bit chaotic. Truthfully, the last few months have been chaotic. Looking back over facebook and my blog, I'm starting to wonder if maybe I'm sounding too negative. Again, truthfully, there has been a lot to do, a lot to deal with, and lot of big changes that have been hard to manage at times. This is life. It's good, it's hard, it's tiring, it's blessed, it's day in and day out persevering while trying to maintain a positive attitude without hyperventilating.

What I need is a kick in the butt.

Since it's the New Year and the time for resolutions, I should have one. Mine is sticking out at me in a neon sign flashing uncontrollably: discipline.

I need to go to bed earlier.
I need to get up earlier.
I need to make sure that I'm showered and dressed before I'm on my own with the kids for the day.
I need to get all of my online perusing and blogging done before breakfast.
I need to put the folded clothes back in their drawers and the pajamas off of the bathroom floor.

I need some routine, structure and DISCIPLINE. This is the only way that I'm functional. Some people do better when the fly by the seat of their pants or when they feel under pressure. Not me. Without organization I'm pretty useless, which means that when things are in disarray that it's very difficult to get much accomplished.

This is my New Year's resolution. It intimidates me because it's hard, but I know that our family functions much better when I treat my days at home like a workday and insist upon getting up early and started on my work right away.

Are you with me? Do any readers have the discipline I'm seeking? Any other resolutions?


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great, and attainable, resolution, Mallory! I totally agree, I am not a happy Mommy when things get too out of order at our house. I have a simple cleaning schedule that doesn't always get followed but at least if I miss mopping the floors on Monday, I know we usually can survive until that task rolls around next Monday. My resolution is ORGANIZATION in my house - namely purging things we don't need/use/want and finding functional storage for the things we do want. Good luck on your quest!


Theresa said...

I'm with you Mallory. 'Tis a great year to begin (for me). It is time.

Good luck!

Erin said...

I second the going to bed earlier and getting up earlier! It's tough, I think you're in the same situation, when you have a night-owl husband who works a lot of hours.

Mallory said...

Yes! Yes! and Yes! It's not that I have a hard time with organization, but I definitely think that some structure on my part would help our household run smoother, just because I tend to get overwhelmed if things pile up.

Erin, going to bed and getting up earlier are HUGE issues for me, for the reasons you said, but also just because I enjoy the quiet so much. Don't get me wrong, I love the kids, but it's takes so much effort to go to bed at night because I am enjoying the quiet time so much. Ah!

Maria said...

please tell me what time you have to get up in order to write before the babies attack! I'm trying to get a routine back together and it doesn't feel very successful at this point.

Mallory said...

I don't get up very early. The boys sleep until about 7:20 on most mornings, and I try to have been showered and dressed by that time. They are very slow risers and often need a good half hour or more of watching Curious George in our bedroom before they are functioning for the day. That's usually the time I have my first cup of coffee and write on the blog (if there's anything to write...). Once George is over they come get me from the computer, we eat breakfast and they get dressed. Mark leaves very shortly after they wake up, sometimes before, so having the 20 minutes or so in the morning before they are rip, roaring and ready for the day is pretty nice.
