Sunday, January 3, 2010


It's no secret that I lean to the conservative side when it comes to morals, values, and things of a general prudish nature. But, whatever way you swing, I think that we can all join in agreement that Britney Spears is a poor excuse for a woman.

Harsh words, yes, so let me state my case. While I have a difficult time mustering up any sympathy for her personal problems, it's her influence in spite of her escapades that I find the most infuriating.

Here are some delightful lyrics from a few of Britney's recent songs,

"All eyes on me in the center of a ring just like a circus."

"All of the boys and all of the girls are begging to F**K me."

"Living in sin is the new, two, three, not only you and me...what we do is innocent, nothing meant."

She's pretty gross, there's no question. But, young girls (and grown girls...) with a confused identity and convoluted impression of what a woman should be, dress like Britney, talk like Britney, do their hair like Britney, dance like Britney, and wear thongs over their pants like Britney.


The biggest pop star in the world is no more an adult than a thirteen-year old. She is court-ordered to live under her father's supervision and rules. This same Britney actually lost custody of her two children. We've watched her shave her head, parade her children amongst paparazzi and make a total fool of herself.

Do you see the problem with an unfit mother (and adult for that matter) waving their marketed garbage in your face? To think that the media actually questions the reason for the state of today's children is funny to me. One look to the media-darlings and idolized talent and it's fairly evident. They should have been shunned long ago, but we keep coming back for more.

I can't fix the problem, but I can run from it, and that' what I intend to do. Then maybe my own children, when they are exposed, can recognize it for what it is and continue to look elsewhere for their role-models.


Michelle said...

So sad and so true. Even Miley Cyrus is a bad example. Where are the wholesome teeny-boppers?

Anonymous said...

You are right my generation I felt the same way about Madonna and would change radio channels when she was on and refused to watch her or even buy any of her songs...Mom S.
