Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Just Sayin'

Maybe it's an "up-north" thing, being that fishing is pretty mainstream, but when someone has a baby and people refer to the child as "a keeper" it drives me nuts. I understand how awkward it can be when everyone and their mom thinks it's appropriate to come up to a mom and make comments about (or touch) a newborn, and responses to those comments can get a little redundant, "Thank you, we think she's cute, too," "Yes, I am breastfeeding," "I actually already had the baby," but there has to be a better response somewhere.

I don't like thinking of new babies as pan-fish. Not there's anything wrong with that.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Haha, that's funny. You're right...kind of weird to say a baby is "a keeper".
