Thursday, January 29, 2009


This morning I woke up tired. I took the easy route and gave Luke too much apple juice because I didn't want to deal with a tantrum. I put the breakfast dishes on the counter and walked away, not wanting to clean dishes. I thought of a thousand excuses why it would be better to stay home all day instead of taking advantage of the car in the garage and go to the gym. I looked at the clock at 9:30 and realized Luke had been watching Playhouse Disney since 7am.

Right now (noon) I filled the dishwasher but left the pans for later. I did go the gym and feel much better for it, and am now showered, dressed and have lunch in the oven. I need to vacuum, clean up the pizza stain on the carpet and fold the clothes in the dryer...I JUST DON'T WANT TO. All I want to do is read New Moon, finish crocheting my baby blanket, watch Pride and Prejudice, and eat everything in sight while I watch the house turn to shambles, the dishes pile up and the laundry gather in heaps on the floor, all while using Mickey Mouse as a babysitter.

I feel awful for feeling unmotivated today (and the past few days), and I feel especially guilty for neglecting the motherly attention that is so important to me. I guess there are days for resting and days for nesting. I just wish that on the resting days I wouldn't feel burdened with all the nesting duties that are being pushed aside because of my lack of enthusiasm for stay-at-homemaking. hour later...

With the little boy napping I'm still looking at the vacuum perched in the corner reminding me of my uncompleted to-do list, but ice cream and my book are going to win this afternoon.

I'll get some work done tomorrow...maybe.


Anonymous said...

Listen to your body! If you are feeling that it's a resting day, then rest. You won't have many opportunities in the near future to read your book and eat ice cream in peace.....take advantage of the time now. Housework always waits for you! And perfectionism is highly over-rated.
Yo' Mama

Anonymous said...

Listen to your body! If you are feeling that it's a resting day, then rest. You won't have many opportunities in the near future to read your book and eat ice cream in peace.....take advantage of the time now. Housework always waits for you! And perfectionism is highly over-rated.
Yo' Mama
