Farewell my pretty plates. You've been overrun. Boys don't like tea cups, nor would I allow my pudgy-handed hellions to touch a piece of my magnificence. I'm packing you away for a time, only to be pulled out, washed and used when needed. Into the box you go.
This is it, china. It's over. You've been replaced with coloring books, markers, play-doh and games, scissors and glitter and pipe cleaners and...and...and...and...everything that is the exact opposite of china.
I'll call you when I'm fifty.
Fifty huh? Just in time for your pudgy-handed hellions to have pudgy-handed hellions of their own! ;-)
I agree! And what's so important about 50?
Yo' Mama
Trust me...at 50 you will hide them again so they don't get broken...Been there, done that....
love it..but i say...sell it...
I say fifty because maybe by the time I'm fifty I might have the *TIME* to have people over just for the heck of it--for tea 'ya know! Maybe not?
And no, no, I won't ever sell it. It was a gift from one of my loyal blog readers! ;-) . I really think that to have it is great, it will always be there to use, even if the season isn't right, right now.
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