Friday, February 19, 2010


Where have I been all week? Not doing much, really, and in the interest of trying to be a better and more proficient mother, especially now with the Lent, I'm trying to limit my computer time more. The children are playing dominoes happily at my feet, so I'm justifying the blog at the moment.

I have spent hours of time on the computer this week though, searching and searching for anything that might pop up with my the health of my little guy. No, nothing is wrong right now, at least not any more wrong than it has been since he was born, but every once in awhile between his appointments I'll notice a new symptom; Paul will show something more that I hadn't seen before, and I'll be off googling for hours. And me, with little more than an interest and a small amount of common sense, am reckless when it comes to looking up medical information. Let's just say that I get a little ahead of myself.

But still, it's weird. Baby struggles with his digestion. I can't figure it out, which means I can't fix it. Blood work, allergy testing, and a barium enema--nothing. No diary, prune juice, yogurt, more juice, more fruit, more vegetables--whatever it is, whatever I do, it doesn't really matter. In some ways that's good, because I've basically given up on eliminating any foods from my diet or his, and then when he has a bout I chalk it up to chance, knowing that he has the same old foods everyday.

Last night was one particular night. He became restless and irritable after dinner. I put him to bed, and while he's been sleeping well, by 3am he was up more times than I kept track of. Poor baby's tummy hurt. Mark then graciously took him to the couch; daddy's chest a consolation for painful gas and tummy cramps.

And that's been our life for the past ten months. We have a small-stature infant with digestive issues who has the funkiest dirty diapers you've ever seen. And yet, there's not really anything wrong at this point, at least that we can put a label on. I'm not complaining about it, on the contrary we've been blessed with two healthy children. Sometimes I just wish I had the assurance to either stop making something out of nothing or to keep pursuing answers.

For today...

1 comment:

Kendall said...

Here's my comment:
Go to MN Gastro and see one of the pediatric gastros!
