About Me

Who? I am a mother. We're a Catholic family. I have three busy, wild, sweet, and hungry boys. I am a girl's girl in a boys club.

Where? Minnesota. North. Pine trees, lakes, mosquitoes, snow. Lots of snow.

Why? When I was a brand-new wife and mother, I was insecure about the job I was doing, feeling ill-equipped and unprepared for my life as the heart of my home. Choosing to embrace those fears, I started this blog, "The Hesitant Homemaker," which initially graced the motto "I have no idea what I'm doing." I made a conscious decision to be transparent, to voice my weaknesses, failures and achievements as an encouragement to other mothers who were on the same journey.

Instead of feeling being embarrassed about Googling how to cook a baked potato, or having my two year old need stitches in his face twice in the same year, I have chosen to seek the solidarity of other mothers who are yearning for a mother who looks like them, with the same hopes and goals for their family.

A lot has happened since this blog began. Life has taken us to multiple cities, God has given us two more boys, and our marriage went from student life to student loan and mortgage payments. I may have learned to cook a baked potato, but I am still learning.

Learn along with me....and teach me something along the way.

