So, as traditions go, I'm taking my third Spring Break from blogging. I'll be back once my fine-weather motivation relaxes and I'm back to afternoons on the computer instead of spring cleaning (that won't take long.)
Happy Spring!
The blog formerly known as "The Hesitant Homemaker"
"A woman by her very nature is maternal -- for every woman, whether ... married or unmarried, is called upon to be a biological, psychological or spiritual mother -- she knows intuitively that to give, to nurture, to care for others, to suffer with and for them -- for maternity implies suffering -- is infinitely more valuable in God's sight than to conquer nations and fly to the moon."
- Dr. Alice Von Hildebrand
I think Luke looks so much like Mark in this picture!!!!!!!!! Happy spring to you guys! :)
You have such a beautiful family Mallory! And you look fantastic! :) Enjoy your spring!
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